import warnings class storedItem(): def __init__(self,coord,data): self.coord = coord = data self.node = None def remove(self): self.node.children.remove(self) self.node = None class Node(): def __init__(self,parent,lower,upper): self.parent = parent self.children = [] self.lowerbound = lower self.upperbound = upper self.setVolume() def setVolume(self): dx = self.upperbound[0] - self.lowerbound[0] dy = self.upperbound[1] - self.lowerbound[1] dz = self.upperbound[2] - self.lowerbound[2] self.volume = dx*dy*dz def inbound(self,coord): if self.lowerbound[0] <= coord[0] and self.lowerbound[1] <= coord[1] and self.lowerbound[2] <= coord[2]: if self.upperbound[0] >= coord[0] and self.upperbound[1] >= coord[1] and self.upperbound[2] >= coord[2]: return True return False def returnValueOrChildnode(self,coord): if not self.inbound(coord): return self.parent for child in self.children: if child.__class__ == Node: if child.inbound(coord): return child elif child.__class__ == storedItem: if child.coord == coord: return child return None def deleteOrReturnChildNode(self,coord): if not self.inbound(coord): return self.parent for child in self.children: if child.__class__ == Node: if child.inbound(coord): return child elif child.__class__ == storedItem: if child.coord == coord: self.children.remove(child) del(child) return True return None def insertStoredItem(self,item): if len(self.children) < 8: self.children.append(item) item.node = self return True if len(self.children) == 8: for child in self.children: if child.__class__ == Node: if child.inbound(item.coord): return child.insertStoredItem(item) elif item.coord == child.coord: warnings.warn('Already an item at this location, replacing it') self.children.remove(child) self.children.append(item) self.breakupIntoChildren() self.insertStoredItem(item) def breakupIntoChildren(self): if self.volume == 8: raise Exception("Node full. Cannot add to this node") nodes = [] delta = (self.upperbound[0] - self.lowerbound[0] +1)/2 x1,x2,x3 = (self.lowerbound[0],self.lowerbound[0]+delta -1,self.upperbound[0]) y1,y2,y3 = (self.lowerbound[1],self.lowerbound[1]+delta -1,self.upperbound[1]) z1,z2,z3 = (self.lowerbound[2],self.lowerbound[2]+delta -1,self.upperbound[2]) nodes.append(Node(self,(x1,y1,z1),(x2,y2,z2))) nodes.append(Node(self,(x2 + 1,y1,z1),(x3,y2,z2))) nodes.append(Node(self,(x1,y1,z2 +1),(x2,y2,z3))) nodes.append(Node(self,(x2 + 1,y1,z2 + 1),(x3,y2,z3))) nodes.append(Node(self,(x1,y2 + 1,z1),(x2,y3,z2))) nodes.append(Node(self,(x2 + 1,y2 + 1,z1),(x3,y3,z2))) nodes.append(Node(self,(x1,y2 + 1,z2 + 1),(x2,y3,z3))) nodes.append(Node(self,(x2 + 1,y2 + 1,z2 + 1),(x3,y3,z3))) while self.children: child = self.children[0] for node in nodes: if node.inbound(child.coord): node.insertStoredItem(child) self.children.remove(child) self.children = nodes class Octree(): def __init__(self,size,maxsearch=1000): if size % 2: raise Exception("Size must be multiple of 2") self.root = Node(None, (0,0,0),(size,size,size)) self.size = size self.maxsearch=maxsearch def search(self,coord): searching = True node = self.root count = 0 while searching: result = node.returnValueOrChildnode(coord) if result is None: searching = False elif result.__class__ == storedItem: result = searching = False elif result.__class__ == Node: node = result count += 1 if count > self.maxsearch: #just incase something goes wrong searching=False result = None raise Exception("Max Search depth limit reached") return result def insert(self,coord,data): if not self.root.inbound(coord): print coord, self.size, self.root.upperbound, self.root.lowerbound raise Exception("Coordinate outside scope of octree") item = storedItem(coord,data) self.root.insertStoredItem(item) def remove(self,coord): searching = True node = self.root count = 0 while searching: result = node.deleteOrReturnChildNode(coord) if result is True: searching = False return True elif result is None: searching = False elif result.__class__ == Node: node = result count += 1 if count > self.maxsearch: #just incase something goes wrong searching=False result = None raise Exception("Max Search depth limit reached") return result ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------## if __name__ == "__main__": ### Object Insertion Test ### # So lets test the adding: import random import time #Dummy object class to test with class TestObject: def __init__(self, name, position): = name self.position = position # Create a new octree, size of world treesize = 8 myTree = Octree(treesize) mult = 2 # Number of objects we intend to add. NUM_TEST_OBJECTS = treesize * mult poses = [] # Insert some random objects and time it Start = time.time() for x in range(NUM_TEST_OBJECTS): name = "Node__" + str(x) pos = (random.randrange(0, treesize), random.randrange(0, treesize), random.randrange(0, treesize)) poses.append(pos) testOb = TestObject(name, pos) myTree.insert(pos,testOb) End = time.time() - Start # print some results. print str(NUM_TEST_OBJECTS) + "-Node Tree Generated in " + str(End) + " Seconds" ### Lookup Tests ### # Look up some random positions and time it Start = time.time() #for x in range(NUM_COLLISION_LOOKUPS): for pos in poses: #pos = (random.randrange(0, treesize), random.randrange(0, treesize), random.randrange(0, treesize)) result = ################################################################################## # This proves that results are being returned - but may result in a large printout # I'd just comment it out and trust me :) # print "Results for test at: " + str(pos) if result != None: print result else: print "none found" # print ################################################################################## End = time.time() - Start # print some results. print "lookups in " + str(End) + " Seconds" #print "Tree Leaves contain a maximum of " + str(MAX_OBJECTS_PER_CUBE) + " objects each."