from xml.etree import ElementTree import ladder import block_functions def block_from_xml(IOlist,block): newblock = ladder.block() funcxml = block.find('function') #print funcxml.text if funcxml is None: raise Warning('bad xml in a block, no function name' + str(block)) functxt = funcxml.text if block_functions.BLOCK_FUNCTION_DICT.has_key(functxt): newblock.function = block_functions.BLOCK_FUNCTION_DICT[functxt]() argsxml = block.find('arguments') for arg in argsxml.getchildren(): newargument = None if arg.tag == 'item': if IOlist.has_key(arg.text): newargument = IOlist[arg.text] else: raise Warning('bad xml in a block\'s arguments. Cannot resolve IO name') elif arg.tag == 'block': newargument = block_from_xml(IOlist,arg) else: raise Warning('bad xml in block\'s arguments. Not an item or block') if newargument is not None: newblock.arguments.append(newargument) return newblock def create_ladder(xmlfile): data = ElementTree.parse(xmlfile) ladderxml = data.getroot() #Set up IO IOxml = ladderxml.find('IO') IOlist = {} for item in IOxml.getchildren(): value = None valuetxt=None newIO = None if item.tag != 'item': Warning('bad xml in the IO section: expected an : ' + str(item.tag)) continue namexml = item.find('name') typexml = item.find('type') descxml = item.find('desc') valuexml = item.find('value') #if (not namexml) and (not typexml): #raise Warning('bad xml in the IO section: missing name or type: ' + str(item.tag)) #continue nametxt = namexml.text typetxt = typexml.text if not descxml: desctxt = '' else: desctxt = descxml.text if valuexml is not None: valuetxt = valuexml.text if typetxt=='int': value = int(valuetxt) elif typetxt=='str': value = str(valuetxt) elif typetxt=='bool': value = bool(valuetxt) else: value = valuetxt newIO = ladder.IO(value,nametxt,typetxt,description=desctxt) if newIO: IOlist[nametxt] = newIO #print "-----" #print IOlist #print "-----" #Set up Rungs #Rungsxml = ladderxml.findall('Rung') Rungslist = ladderxml.findall('Rung') Rungs = [] for rung in Rungslist: #for item in Rungsxml.getchildren(): #print "addrung" newrung = ladder.rung() for rungside in rung.getchildren(): for subitem in rungside.getchildren(): block = None if subitem.tag != 'block': Warning('bad xml in Rung input section, excpeted a block' + str(subitem.tag)) #print "error here", subitem.tag continue block = block_from_xml(IOlist,subitem) if block is not None: if rungside.tag == 'input': newrung.inputs.append(block) elif rungside.tag == 'output': newrung.outputs.append(block) else: Warning('bad xml in the Rung section, expected input or output block: ' + str(item.tag)) pass continue Rungs.append(newrung) IOlist = IOlist.values() ##print "---" #print Rungs #print "+++" return [Rungs, IOlist] def io_to_xml(IO): itemxml = ElementTree.Element('item') namexml = ElementTree.SubElement(itemxml,'name') namexml.text = str( typexml = ElementTree.SubElement(itemxml,'type') typexml.text = str(IO.typedesc) descxml = ElementTree.SubElement(itemxml,'description') descxml.text = str(IO.description) valuexml = ElementTree.SubElement(itemxml,'value') valuexml.text = str(IO.value) return itemxml def block_to_xml(Block): itemxml = ElementTree.Element('block') functionxml = ElementTree.SubElement(itemxml,'function') functionxml.text = argumentsxml = ElementTree.SubElement(itemxml,'arguments') for arg in Block.arguments: if isinstance(arg,ladder.IO):#arg.__class__ == ladder.IO.__class__: argxml = ElementTree.SubElement(argumentsxml,'item') argxml.text = elif isinstance(arg,ladder.block):#arg.__class__ == ladder.block.__class__: argxml = block_to_xml(arg) argumentsxml.append(argxml) else: raise Exception('bad type' + str(ladder.IO.__class__) + " " + str(arg.__class__)) return itemxml def create_xml(Rungs,IO,filename): ladderxml = ElementTree.Element('ladder') #take care of IO IOxml = ElementTree.SubElement(ladderxml,'IO') for item in IO: itemxml = io_to_xml(item) IOxml.append(itemxml) #Set up Rungs for rung in Rungs: Rungxml = ElementTree.SubElement(ladderxml,'Rung') inputsxml = ElementTree.SubElement(Rungxml,'input') outputsxml = ElementTree.SubElement(Rungxml,'output') for block in rung.inputs: b = block_to_xml(block) inputsxml.append(b) for block in rung.outputs: b = block_to_xml(block) outputsxml.append(b) tree = ElementTree.ElementTree(ladderxml) tree.write(filename) return True